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Our 100% Zakat Policy means that 100% of your Zakat
will reach those who need it the most.

Change Lives and Build a Brighter Future.

Al-Mustafa Welfare Trust is dedicated to eradicating global poverty, and for over 40 years has been delivering life-saving humanitarian aid to the poorest countries in the world.

We transform the lives of millions of people in need on a daily basis. With a specialism in healthcare & sight restoration, we have been one of the first to run free medical eye camps in Pakistan serving remote, impoverished communities across the country. However, over the last decades, our sight restoration programme has expanded across Asia, Africa & the Middle East - giving the gift of sight to over 173,000 people in need!

Our other ongoing Projects aim to provide Hifz Education for vulnerable children, Orphan Care, Food Aid and Clean Water.

We also provide Disaster and Emergency Relief projects in Gaza, Yemen, Syria, Afghanistan and Burma - working closely with communities to establish long-term development projects and sustainable initiatives that provide positive change for generations to come.

Countinue Reading



People Reached

1.9 M

Disaster & Emergency Beneficiaries 

3.1 M

Qurbani Meat
Distribution Beneficiaries

948 K

Food Parcel Distributions 

201 K

Cataract Surgeries

1,4 M

Opd Screenings

929 K

Eyeglasses Distributed

611 K

Hepatitis Screenings

18 K

Disabled Children
Supported To Attend School


School Based Eye Camps


People With Disabilities
Supported In Business


Hafiz Children Sponsored

6.2 K

Orphan Children Sponsored

14,6 K

Small Water Wells Have Been Installed


Community Water Well Installed


Hospitals Under Our Support


Mosques Built


Schools Built


Orphanages Under Our Support


Network Of Ambulances

From Hospitals to Qur'an Reading Pens

The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) reminded us to:

‘And whatever you spend in the way of Allah, He will replenish it with more.And He is the best of providers’  [BUKHARI]

more ways to reach out & give

Donate over the phone

To donate over the phone, call 0208 569 6444 and ask for the Fundraising Team.

Donate by Cheque

To donate by cheque, please make it payable to 'Al-Mustafa Welfare Trust' and send it to us at 110 High Street HOUNSLOW, TW3 1NA

Fundraise for AMWT®

There are loads of ways you can fundraise for AMWT®. Fancy running a marathon, or jumping out of a plane?

Donate by Bank

To donate by bank please use account name 'Al-Mustafa Welfare Trust'.
Account No. 53820168
Sort Code: 30-90-89

Please inform us within 2 working days of a bank transfer being made, if not then the charity will receipt it as a ‘General Donation’ in the ‘Most Needy’ project, as an anonymous donation

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© Copyright 2023. Al Mustafa Welfare Trust® is a registered charity in England & Wales (1118492) and UK registered company 05581896.

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